Icarus Story
Icarus Story
The story of Icarus is based on Greek mythology and is told
in most detail in Ovid's "Metamorphoses". Here is the Icarus story:
Icarus is the son of Aegeus, who married Doris, daughter of
the Sea King Nereus. Aegeus is the King of Athens, but one day when he set out
to ask a question to the oracles at Delphi, he was warned not to take down the
chest he had brought with him. However, Aegeus is forgetful throughout his
journey and opens the chest he brought with him. Since the chest was empty, the
oracles said to Aegeus, "Come down with your throat clear, just like you
lowered the chest."
Meanwhile, a master artist and craftsman named Dedalos was
in the service of King Minos in Athens. However, Minos kidnapped Dedalos'
daughter Ariadne and imprisoned Dedalos for building the Minotaur. Dedalos and
his son Icarus made wings to escape from Minos' cruelty. These wings were made
and assembled with bird feathers and wax. Visit our website for the answer to
the question "Is Lilith in the Bible?"
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